Healing The Healers

Coaching to help Empower Healthcare Professionals Through Grief



Are you a healthcare professional that has experienced loss of a loved one and processing grief? This specialized form of coaching helps develop coping strategies that honor their personal journey through grief, while also maintaining their commitment to providing compassionate care. It fosters resilience, enabling you to navigate their own emotional landscapes without becoming overwhelmed.


Creating a Safe Space

Begin by ensuring your program offers a safe, non-judgmental space for individuals to express their feelings and thoughts. Encourage open communication and validate their emotions, making it clear that all feelings are allowed.


  • Understanding the Grief Process: It's important to understand that grief is not linear and can manifest in various ways.
  • Self-Care Strategies: Healthcare professionals often focus on caring for others, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being. Grief coaching can teach them self-care strategies to manage their own feelings of compassion fatigue or secondary traumatic stress.
  • Scheduled Reflection Time: Healthcare professionals often work in fast-paced environments that leave little room for personal reflection. We will work on developing techniques to find safe space.
Dr. Parul holding the Life Interrupted book
Dr. Parul speaking
  •  Memorializing and Remembering: Learning how to find ways to memorialize and remember the loved one can be a powerful step in the grieving process.
  • Progress Tracking: Encourage participants to track their progress and reflections through the program. This can help them see their growth over time and identify areas where they may need more support.
  • Continuous Check-ins: Regular check-ins or follow-up sessions even after the program concludes. Grief doesn't have a timeline, and continued support can be invaluable.


Dr. Parul Dua Makkar completed her Bachelor of Science from University of Central Oklahoma 1999, Magna Cum Laude and then DDS from University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, in 2003. She practiced in Alberta, CA before moving to NY. Here she completed a GPR training at Staten Island University Hospital, 2007 and has been in private practice since. Currently she is the owner of PDM Family Dental in Long Island, NY, a place she resides in with her husband and 2 boys. Dr. Makkar's life took a different trajectory when she lost her only and younger sibling, Dr. Manu Dua, to Oral Cancer last year. He was a Dentist as well. Since his death, she has devoted her time educating doctors and patients alike about risk factors, prevention and advocating for early diagnosis of Oral cancer. She has co-authored several Dental journals, has been presenting lectures to Dentists and has been a guest at several podcasts, besides her own podcast. She believes oral care is the gateway to overall well-being and aims to have open conversations with her patients. Dr. Parul Dua Makkar has been featured in the American, Canadian and British Dental Journals. She is the recipient of several awards. Recently was awarded the Women of Inspiration by Universal Women’s Network. She has also co-authored of the book ‘Life Interrupted, Dr. Dua’s Survival Guide’ which is a winner of several awards.

Parul has served as a Wellness Ambassador to the American Dental Association and is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists. She is on the board for her local county Syosset Chamber of Commerce and the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health.


As Parul grew up in different parts of the world, she lost her brother, Manu in the midst of Covid. Like many of you, she wears different hats of life as a mother, wife, practice owner, dentist, sister, daughter, daughter in law. When she learnt that her brother was moved to palliative care, she was in the middle of her work day and she had to continue seeing patients. At the time, she was in US and her brother in Canada, no time frame was given but she knew things weren’t good. She had to refocus, finish her day and then look to get a PCR test expedited. She was a day late and said her goodbye to her only sibling on a video call. She didn’t have a village of her core family to act as a buffer from grief. Parul is open about her own experience of anxiety, doubt, guilt, panic attacks as she found her healing and eventually her calling. One of the things that fill her bucket is meeting others, sharing stories of loss, and resilience. Due to her journey, Parul believes that you can’t travel this journey alone, it helps to have a guide to help you not feel as lost and lonely. Grief can be isolating even if you have an empathetic family. Parul will help you by drawing from her own experience in the world of grief while being a healthcare provider. She can be reached at [email protected] or Instagram @duagoodjob. www.parulduamakkar.com



In the journey of healing others, healthcare providers often place their own needs and emotions on hold. The loss of a loved one is a profound experience that can deeply affect your well-being, career, and outlook on life. Recognizing the need for support through this process is not just important—it's essential. At Dua Good Job Coaching, we understand the unique challenges you face and offer a compassionate, tailored coaching program designed to guide you through your grief while supporting your professional dedication and personal growth. This from someone who understands the challenges of wearing different hats of life and grieving. 



Personalized Support

Personalized Support:

Our coaching program is specifically designed for healthcare professionals who are experiencing grief. We understand the complexities of your role and the emotional resilience required to navigate both your personal and professional life during this challenging time.

Compassionate Approach

Compassionate Approach:

We focus on a comprehensive approach to healing, acknowledging the interconnectedness of your emotional, physical, and professional well-being. Our strategies are tailored to help you find balance, regain your strength, and rediscover your purpose.

Life Beyond Grief

Life Beyond Grief:

While grief may never fully disappear, finding a way to integrate your experience into your life is crucial. Our coaching aims to help you build resilience, find new meanings, and embrace life with renewed vigor and joy.

What You Can Expect

  • A safe, understanding space to express and navigate your feelings.
  • Practical strategies to manage stress and improve self-care, ensuring you remain physically and emotionally healthy.
  • Techniques to enhance your focus and performance at work, even during difficult times.
  • Guidance on embracing grief as a part of your journey, leading to personal and professional growth.
Dr. Parul in the American Dental Association Office
Choosing to work with a coach during this period is a step towards healing not just for yourself, but also in enhancing your ability to care for others.

Your well-being is essential, and with Dua Good Job Coaching, you're not alone on this journey. Let's navigate this path together, transforming grief into growth, for a brighter, more resilient you. Having a group of like minded individuals can help give you the guidance and companionship because grief isn’t to be traveled alone. 



In the demanding world of healthcare, taking a moment for yourself might feel like a luxury you can't afford. Yet, in the wake of personal loss, prioritizing your emotional and professional well-being isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity. Dua Good Job Coaching is a  unique coaching program is specifically designed for healthcare professionals like you, navigating the complex emotions of grief while balancing a demanding career. The time to start healing, to embrace support, and to foster growth is now. Here's why:

Dr. Parul Makkar
  • Immediate Support in Your Time of Need: Grief waits for no one, and the support you need shouldn't either. Our program offers immediate tools and strategies to help you cope, ensuring you don't have to face this journey alone a moment longer.

  • Limited Spaces for Personalized Care: To ensure each participant receives the dedicated attention and tailored support they deserve, we limit the number of enrollees in each session. Secure your spot now to guarantee your place in this transformative journey.

  • Enhance Your Professional Resilience: The skills and strategies you'll learn aren't just for navigating personal grief; they're invaluable tools that will enhance your resilience, focus, and empathy in your professional role. The sooner you join, the quicker you'll integrate these skills into your daily practice, benefiting both you and those you care for.

  • Special Enrollment Offer: As part of our commitment to supporting healthcare professionals through these challenging times, we're offering an exclusive discount for those who enroll now. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your well-being and professional growth at a special rate.

Your Journey of Healing Starts Today

Choosing to join Dua Good Job.com coaching program is more than just an investment in your emotional well-being; it's a step towards a more fulfilled, balanced, and resilient life—both personally and professionally. The best time to start this journey is now. Don't let another day pass in the shadow of grief without the support and guidance you deserve.


6 Month Program

  • Personalized one on one coaching once a week with Parul for 30 min ($4800)
  • Group session once a month where you meet others in the healing journey ($1200)
  • Finding ways to memorialize and remember the loved one can be a powerful step in the grieving process. This could involve creating a memory book, participating in memorial services, or engaging in activities that the loved one enjoyed. Such acts can help in honoring their memory and finding a sense of closure.
  • Scheduled Reflection Time: Healthcare professionals often work in fast-paced environments that leave little room for personal reflection. Encouraging the scheduling of regular, dedicated times for reflection can help them process their grief. This could be through journaling, meditation, or simply sitting quietly in a space that feels safe and comforting.
  • Training can include learning about the different stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) and recognizing that individuals may move through these stages at their own pace. This knowledge can help healthcare professionals provide personalized support.
  • Practicing gratitude even if can seem daunting. 
  • Regular check-ins to keep emotional feelings in check
  • Guest speakers on Grief ($500)

What else is included...

  • Book Life Interrupted Dr. Dua’s Survival Guide
  • Grief Journal
  • Memory box to help memoralize a loved one.
  • A day in Long Island with Parul to celebrate together as we honor our loved ones and embrace our journey. ($5000)
  • All for $ 1000 per month for 6 months


Act now to save 20% all for $800

Payment set up:
Each month: $800 for 6 months
Pay up front: $4500 (savings of an additional $300)